Le Crime de Monsieur Lange

Difficulty! Nonsense!
Are you free Sunday?
Would you come for a walk with me
in the forest?

We might get lost
And there are wolves in the forest
Have you finished
looking at Edith's legs?

Not bad, eh!
Oh, Mrs Cardes!

Don't call me Mrs Cardes
I can't stand it

My name's Valentine
Is Mr Batala in?
He's not here yet...

Here he is!
My name's Buisson
Mr Meunier of Lille sent me

Come up to my office
No need
What I have to say is soon said

About six months ago
Mr Meunier lent you 300,000 francs

You were going to buy
new printing machines

And found a new detective magazine,
"Javert". A magnificent project...

Come up to my office
I am convinced that you have spent
this money yourself

Come now!
I must therefore inform Mr Meunier
who will take action

My dear man, be reasonable!
The Meunier Company wanted a paper
and they came to me

Subsequently, I had difficulties
The unforeseen, you know
How much will you take
provisionally on account

to leave me time to look around?
5,000 francs?
You can't buy me for 6,000 francs

Oh, leave me in peace!
If I had 300,000, I'd pay your boss

You're a nuisance!
And exacting!
