Libeled Lady

We're only 20 miles from the place.
We'll be there in 45 minutes.

But I'm not supposed to show up
until midnight.

What's the difference? You'll bust in
on them a half an hour earlier, that's all.

You'll find cigarettes over there
under the lamp.

- Say, you're pretty palatial up here.
- Like it?

- I think it's grand.
- I always come down for a plunge.

I've even stayed here all night. No, thanks.
- What? Here, alone?
- Yes, there's nothing to be afraid of.

Pretty neat.
I like music with my moonlight.
You know, you're a funny kid.
That's what you seem like up here, a kid.
Very different from
the girl I met on the boat.

I feel different.
This place, it's all tied up
with my childhood.

The trees, the air, the water.
Even the frogs.

I'm mad about frogs.
I love it. We've always
had heavenly times up here.

Every minute completely filled, like today.
- Yes. It's been perfect.
- It has, hasn't it?

Almost too perfect.
And it's costing me a fortune, young man.
I'm paying dearly for this day of fun.
It's my own fault
for daring to bet with Dad on men.

I'm a rotten judge of men.
Well, aren't we all?
I bet him a new plane that you'd
tip your hand in the first 24 hours.

It's rather sporting of your father
to back a dark horse.

Dad's a grand judge of character.
He placed you right away.

Impetuous, friendly,
enthusiastic, guileless.

Not so sure about that.
What's your analysis?

Well, I said it first on the boat.
Just another fortune hunter
chasing $50 million on the hoof.
