Lost Horizon

He's starting out right away
in the direction of lndia.

Sooner or later, he's bound
to run into a tribe or something.

Here's the idea.
We found a cave over that small hill.

As soon as we bury the pilot,
we'll move in. We can have a fire.

I shouldn't be surprised
to see Bob back within a week.

You haven't a Chinaman's chance
of getting out of here alive. You know it.

-Cave? Where?
-Over by that hill.

Hey, look! Look, Bob!
-Where are they? Do you see them?

Do you think they're cannibals?
I am from the nearby lamasery.
My name is Chang.

He's speaking English.
-And mine's Conway.
-How do you do?

You've no idea how unexpected
and very welcome you are.

My friends and I,
and the lady in the plane...

...left Baskul the night before last
for Shanghai.

But we were travelling
in the opposite direction.

At the mercy of a mad pilot.
-We'd be eternally grateful if you--
-Where is your "mad" pilot?

He must have had a heart attack,
or perhaps the fumes.

When the plane landed he was dead.
We were going to bury him
when you came along.

Pardon me.
If you will be good enough
to direct us to your lamasery--

It is an honour to accompany you
and your friends.

You'lI need suitable clothes for the journey.
-It is not particularly far, but quite difficult.
-Thank you.
