The Life of Emile Zola

You will do what is best for yourself...
:24:02 leaving me strictly alone
to write what I please, as I please.

Good day, monsieur.
That's the funniest thing I've...
It's good to be together again, Paul.
Just like old times.

Old times.
Oh, Paul, I want you to see the pearls
Émile bought for me when we were in Italy.

- Albert.
- Yes, monsieur?

Make certain that all the windows
are tightly shut.

- Émile, Émile. Still afraid of drafts.
- My chest, you know.

Oh, your chest is as strong as a barrel.
It always was.

Paul, I've always... You know, l...
I want to show you something.

Look at this priceless bit of woodcarving.
I picked it up at Lodi,
an extraordinary piece of craftsmanship.

And... Oh, now I have a real
rare treat for you.

I have something here that
you may have traveled the world over...

...and never have found its like.
This will simply leave you breathless.
