The Life of Emile Zola

It's good to be together again, Paul.
Just like old times.

Old times.
Oh, Paul, I want you to see the pearls
Émile bought for me when we were in Italy.

- Albert.
- Yes, monsieur?

Make certain that all the windows
are tightly shut.

- Émile, Émile. Still afraid of drafts.
- My chest, you know.

Oh, your chest is as strong as a barrel.
It always was.

Paul, I've always... You know, l...
I want to show you something.

Look at this priceless bit of woodcarving.
I picked it up at Lodi,
an extraordinary piece of craftsmanship.

And... Oh, now I have a real
rare treat for you.

I have something here that
you may have traveled the world over...

...and never have found its like.
This will simply leave you breathless.

This most exquisite majolica.
I chanced upon it in a little,
out-of-the-way shop in Venice.

The work on this...
- Won't you sit down, Paul?
- No, I must go.

- It's goodbye.
- Goodbye?

Yes. I'm going south,
back to the country.

You can't do that, man.
Why, Paris is the very center...

Paris isn't for me any longer.
Come, Paul.
We're old friends.
Out with it. What is it?
- You really want me to tell you?
- Why, of course.

You're wealthy now, world-famous...
...a member of the Legion of Honor.
You've come a long way from the days
when we starved together in an attic.
