Young and Innocent

-How much?
-Two and eleven

Thank you. You must let me know
where to send the money to

Anywhere you like
Will you give it a swing, please?
All right, I'll do it
How far is it to Tom's Hat?
You go straight along that road
about twice as far as you can see

How far would that be?
-Oh, about five miles, I reckon

Then turn right. Go along a mile.
Take the left fork...

...and two miles along that road.
Not the right fork

The right fork would take you
back to town

The left fork...
That's right. There's two miles
up that road

Did you hear that my dear?
Five miles straight ahead, turn
right, along a mile...

...then take the left fork
-Yes, I heard

-You know I can't possibly!
-Don't forget it's my petrol

Straight down that road, it's
about five miles

Yes, thank you, I heard
-This isn't Tom's Hat
-Will you please get out?

-Because it's my car

It may seem a good reason to
you but it doesn't to me

It's the best thing you can do!
-So I've won you over
-You certainly have not!

Oh, yes, I have. You see that
it's too risky for me to go to...

...Tom's Hat by daylight, so what
do you do?

Not a thing
You persuade me to stay in this
deserted mill until dark

Then you return and ride me over
to Tom's Hat before it closes

I feel like Bonnie Prince Charlie
You must be Flora MacDonald
A little while ago I was
Florence Nightingale

That's what I like about you,
you're different

How can you joke about this?
Don't you know what it means if
you're caught?

I'd make a rough guess .
Horribly rough

Well, it isn't funny, you see?
No, but I can laugh because
I'm innocent
