Another Thin Man

If you listen to him,
he'll have you nuts, too.

You can laugh if you want to.
But I don't laugh at my dreams.

I came all the way back from Cuba
after the second one...

to try to make the Colonel see reason,
before it was too late.

Because the third one's
the end on my schedule.

This afternoon I had the third dream.
How does he usually die in these dreams?
He's all battered up. His throat cut.
It's all kind of messy.
Just the sort of death
you'd expect that slob to have.

It'd be funny if it happened that way,
wouldn't it?

No, it's funnier that it didn't. Hey, look.
Are you sure he's all right?
How long ago did you leave him?

Half an hour.
It must have happened after you left.
That's the end of him
as a possible gold mine.

Now, we got to think about you.
- Me?
- Yes.

Why pick on me?
I can introduce you to a lot of rich people.

Don't kid me, Charles.
Your father-in-law was MacFay's partner
back in the days when my foot slipped.

If my father-in-law
had anything to do with this...

I'll give you a check right now.
But I want proof.

There's always the catch in it. Proof.
Nobody but me was putting anything
on paper in those days, Charles.

That's why nobody but me went over.
I knew you were going
to be tough to deal with.

And I can't honestly say
that I've ever dreamed about you...

or about your wife...
or about your baby...
Stop it, Dum-Dum!
Men are such rowdies.
That's to remind you
not to dream about my family.

Call a cab.
We'll catch the 9:00 train.
