Beau Geste

A countryman of mine.
So you decided to re-enlist, eh, Rasinoff?
Yes, Sergeant.
You must be as big a fool
as you are a thief.

Discipline makes
the strength of armies.

It is necessary that superiors
obtain from their subordinates

immediate obedience
without murmuring.

Discipline will be firm,
but it will also be fatherly.

Officers must use psychology
in dealing with men.

Any questions
about the regulations?

I am Sgt. Markoff.
I make soldiers
out of scum like you

and I don't do it gently.
You're the sloppiest looking
lot I've ever seen.

It's up to me
to prevent you

from becoming a disgrace
to the Regiment.

And I will prevent that
if I have to kill
half of you with work.

But the half that lives
will be soldiers.

I promise you.
Corporal, take them
to the barracks.

Yes, Sergeant.
Left face!
Follow me!
Forward march!
I just witnessed that little
exhibition of yours, Markoff.

I don't like it!
You have to be strict
with scum like that, sir.

They're men!
They have their rights,

with the regulations.

I'll keep within
the regulations, sir.

You're a good
soldier, Markoff,

but I doubt if you're
a good sergeant.

If you're not, you won't
last long in the Legion.

Watch your step,
or I'll break you.
That's all.
Is this Markoff gonna be
our sergeant from now on?
