Goodbye, Mr. Chips

Chipping, you should have stayed.
It was quite a party.

- I'm not much good at that sort of thing.
- A pity.

They wanted so much
to give you an evening.

They did?
I didn't understand.
I hope I wasn't rude.

Oh, no. They understood.
Miss Kathy asked me to say goodbye
and to thank you again.

- Goodbye?
- Yes. They're going away...

...early in the morning.
On their bicycles.

Well, I'm sleepy. Are you coming?
You are so silent.
What are you thinking?

That was a very intelligent
young woman, Staefel.

She was a very pretty one, Chipping.
I wonder if we might run into them again
on our travels.

Well, we must look out for
two bright new bicycles.

English ladies, quite English.
It is them.
They're acquaintances of mine.
Will you give them my card, please?

- Tell them I'd like to have a word.
- Certainly, mein Herr.

Hardly dressed for ladies, are we?
- Shall we not ask them to lunch with us?
- I don't see any objection.

The ladies are here.
Is this the person?
- Well, you stated that you knew me.
- Madam, the fact is...
