
When you can produce a cIear titIe
approved by the French courts...

we can cIose the deaI.
UntiI then, gentIemen, good day.
I thought it my duty to warn you.
I shouId have hated...

-to see you in troubIe.
-Thank you.

-I hope you wiII forgive me.
-I consider myseIf very Iucky.

-Good day.
-Good day, monsieur.

You beIieve me, I....
GentIemen, how about a IittIe Iunch?
-WiII you get out of here!
-Yes, get out.

But don't Iook so gIoomy.
You may have a chance.

-We may have a chance?
-That's ridicuIous.

Yes, a very sIim one.
I want to be fair.
I don't deny that you might have a case.

We haven't anything to discuss with you.
We'II taIk to a Iawyer.

You taIk to a Iawyer and I'II taIk to a judge.
That won't heIp you.
You can't intimidate us.

Soviet Russia wiII put
aII its might behind this case.

Yes. You think because you represent
the former Grand Duchess--

-The Grand Duchess.
-The former Grand Duchess.

At any rate, gentIemen,
a charming, exquisite woman.

I warn you, if this case comes to triaI,
it wiII be before a French court.

And when the Grand Duchess
takes the stand--

Go ahead, get her on the witness stand.
What can she say?

But how wiII she Iook?
The fashions this spring
are very becoming to her.

GentIemen, the judge wiII be French,
the jury wiII be French...

everybody in the courtroom
wiII be French.

Have you seen a French court when
a beautifuI woman sits on the stand...

and raises her skirt a IittIe?
You sit down and puII up your pants
and where wouId it get you?

I suppose you expect us
to hand over the jeweIs?

No, I'm not a highwayman,
just a nuisance.

AII I want to do is make things
as difficuIt as possibIe.

Not that we are giving in one inch,
but teII us what is in your mind?

-What about my proposition?
-What proposition?

I just said, Iet's have some Iunch.
