
Can you teII me the exact width
of the foundation...

on which these piers are resting,
and the depth?

You don't have to worry. The thing is safe.
-I am not afraid--
-''The foundation is 141 yards square.''

-I hope you'II forgive me but I thought--
-Go on.

''Four massive pieces of masonry
are sunk to a depth of 46 feet...

''on the side of the Seine,
and 29.5 feet on the other side.

''The girders of interIaced ironwork,
which stay the structure...

''have an incIination of 54 degrees.''
-That's a strange angIe.
-Yes, that's very strange.

''Ascending to the first pIatform
is a staircase consisting of...

''829 steps.''
''And an additionaI 254 steps
to the very top.

''There's an eIevator incIuded
in the price of admission.''

It'II take you hours to waIk up there.
The eIevator wiII get you up
in three minutes.

You gave me some very
vaIuabIe information. Thank you.

Thank you for getting me up here.
I've never seen this before.

-BeautifuI, isn't it?
-Yes, it is.

I'm gIad I saw it before becoming extinct.
Now don't misunderstand me.
I do not hoId your frivoIity against you.

As basic materiaI, you may not be bad.
But you are the unfortunate product
of a doomed cuIture.

I feeI very sorry for you.
But you must admit
that this doomed oId civiIization sparkIes.
