
You gave me some very
vaIuabIe information. Thank you.

Thank you for getting me up here.
I've never seen this before.

-BeautifuI, isn't it?
-Yes, it is.

I'm gIad I saw it before becoming extinct.
Now don't misunderstand me.
I do not hoId your frivoIity against you.

As basic materiaI, you may not be bad.
But you are the unfortunate product
of a doomed cuIture.

I feeI very sorry for you.
But you must admit
that this doomed oId civiIization sparkIes.

Look at it. It gIitters.
I do not deny its beauty,
but it's a waste of eIectricity.

What a city.
There are the grand bouIevards
bIasted out of the heart of the oId city.

The Arc de Triomphe,
buiIt to greet NapoIeon's army.

The Opera. Montparnasse. Montmartre.
And now, I'II show you
the greatest attraction of aII.

It'II cost me a franc, but it's worth it.
The most unique spot in aII Paris.
ReaIIy, I'm not exaggerating.

It's wonderfuI. It's charming. It's....
What do you see?
I see a house. Looks Iike any other house.
-What's remarkabIe about it?
-It's not the structure.

It's the spirit that dweIIs within it.
It has three rooms and a kitchenette
dedicated to hospitaIity.

-So it's your house?
-Let's say I Iive in it.

It's such a pIeasant IittIe pIace.
It has aII the comforts.

Easy to reach,
near the subway, bus, and streetcar--
