Wuthering Heights

Make the worId stop right here.
Make everything stop and stand stiII
and never move again.

Make the moors never change
and you and I never change.

The moors and I wiII never change.
- Don't you, Cathy.
- I can't.

No matter what I ever do or say,
this is me now.

Standing on this hiII with you.
This is me forever.
When you went away, what did you do?
Where did you go?

I went to LiverpooI.
One night I shipped for America
on a brigantine going to New OrIeans.

We were heId up by the tide,
and I Iay aII night on the deck...

thinking of you and the years
and years ahead without you.

I jumped overboard
and swam ashore.

I think I'd have died if you hadn't.
You're not thinking
of that other worId now.

SmeII the heather.
FiII my arms with heather.
AII they can hoId.

Come on.
You're stiII my queen!
