Wuthering Heights

We were heId up by the tide,
and I Iay aII night on the deck...

thinking of you and the years
and years ahead without you.

I jumped overboard
and swam ashore.

I think I'd have died if you hadn't.
You're not thinking
of that other worId now.

SmeII the heather.
FiII my arms with heather.
AII they can hoId.

Come on.
You're stiII my queen!
And as time went by...
Cathy again was torn between her wiId,
uncontroIIabIe passion for HeathcIiff...

and the new Iife
she had found at the Grange...

that she couId not forget.
I got the soap in my eyes!
Where's the toweI?

- Oh, it's hot!
- No, it's just--

- It's hot!
- Don't do that!

EIIen, haven't you finished yet?
Supposing you're not ready
when he gets here. Keep stiII.

Any young man that wiII come sniveIing
back after the way you treated him...

you can keep waiting forever.
