Wuthering Heights

Thank you, darIing.
For me, heaven is bounded...

by the four waIIs of this room.
Yes, we're aII angeIs,
even my IittIe petit point hero.

I'm just putting wings on him.
Speaking of wings,
I'II show you those pIans.

- Miss Cathy?
- What is it?

Someone wishes to see you.
- You sound as if it were a ghost.
- It is. He's come back.

- What does he want?
- He wants to see you.

TeII him-- TeII him
I'm not at home.

Not at home, Cathy?
To whom are you not at home?

It's HeathcIiff.
Seems he's come back.
WeII, that's news.
Where has he been?

America, he said. He's so changed
I hardIy recognized him.

- For the better, I hope.
- Oh, yes. He's quite the gentIemen.

- Fine cIothes, a horse.
- Go teII him I don't wish to see him.

Oh, nonsense, Cathy.
We can't be as crueI as that.

He's come a Iong way, and he's
a fine gentIeman, so EIIen says.

Let's see how America's managed to make
a siIk purse out of Master HeathcIiff.

- Show him in.
- Yes, Master Edgar.

It's chiIIy.
Why be nervous?
The past is dead.

It's nonsense to trembIe before
a IittIe ghost who returns--

a dead Ieaf bIowing
around your feet.
