Zangiku monogatari

What disaster! No longer I know what to do.
Why does not improve Kikunosuke?

Does not it know to do neither of Sanza.
Never will be a good actor!

- You should be more patient.
- Is true, Kikunosuke still is youth.

- ¿You will Not want that be to your height?
- I should require him the maximum so that...

It happen me as Kikugoro I SAW.
- ¿Yes?
- ¡That come!

- ¿Refers to?...
- ¡Kikunosuke!

Goro, they say that now that has born
Your son, you treat badly your adopted son.

It is not that equal be chirped, only that I believe
That you should know it and to keep in mind.

It wants to see him? Poor small. Sure that
It quarrels him, if him not a beating gives.

Bobadas, all does it for its well.
It wants that be the best.

By dint of sticks!
- Father, ¿you wanted to see me?
- Kikunosuke, I go to...

- You Tell me, ¿how have I done it today?
- Very well, your Sanza has been...

- Very convincing. Truth?
- Yes. You improve day by day.

- You Will Arrive at the perfection.
- Thanks.

- Is all.
- Thanks, father.
