Black Friday

although I myself
am sorry to tell you

that I may not be with you
next term.

Today I must leave
to appear before
the inquisitional board
of regents

of a very large university
in the east.

Very large university indeed.
How many the dunce
that has been sent to Rome,

excels the dunce
that must stay at home.

I sincerely hope
the board does not like me.

I'll try and be back
next term.

Oh, my umbrella.
Dr. Kingsley.
Yes, dear.

I wish you
the best of luck,

Thank you.
We hope to see you
next semester, Doctor.

Hurry, Professor.
Dad will be waiting
to take us to the station.

Have a good trip, Professor.
Hurry back.

Thank you very much.
Yes, John.

English won't seem
the same without you.

Well, that's very nice of you.
Come on, Professor.
You know, Jean,
I'm going to miss all this.

But most of all,
I'm going to miss your father.

A brilliant man, Jean.
It distresses me
to think that
such a great brain surgeon

should be so utterly wasted
in Newcastle.

Newcastle is
a very welcome port
in a very bad storm.

Why, if it hadn't
been for you, Professor,

I don't know
what we'd have done.

Well, Margaret,
you don't know how sorry I am
to see you and George leave.

You've befriended Jean and me
in so many ways
since we came to live here.

We're going to
miss you too, Ern.

Thank you.
Here they are.

Hello, darling.
Hello, Margaret.
If I could only drive,
I'd never impose on you
like this.

It's a pleasure, George.
Rather a mixed one,
you know.

We hate to see you go.
Hello, Dad.
Oh, I knew
I'd forgotten something.

As usual. What now?
Ernest, would you mind

at the student's
cleaning shop?

My one and only hat
is there.

And a professor
must have dignity
when he goes to the city.

Here we are, George.
Dr. George, we're here.
George, hurry
or we'll miss the train.

don't let them sell you
one of those fancy feathers.

I won't, Jean, I won't.
