Christmas in July

Thank you, Mr Waterbury,
and thank you, Mr Babcock,

and thank you, Miss Pettypass and...
And how.
- Well, goodbye.
- Goodbye.

- Bye.
- Goodbye.

- A big future.
- (Man) lmmense.

- I've had my eye on him for some time.
- (Man) Huh?

- Look, kid...
- What?

Can I talk to you? It's important.
Can you tell me tomorrow? I've got to go
to the Maxford House and get my cheque.

That's what I want to talk about.
Harry and Dick and I... Well...

- Well, what?
- It's like this. You see, we...

- (Baxter) Oh, MacDonald.
- Yes, sir?

Was that "It's bred in the bean,"
or just plain "Bred in the bean"?

"It's." Just "Bred in the bean" might
sound like bread, like bread and butter.

- Naturally. I don't know why I didn't realise.
- Is that all, sir?

Yes. Have a nice time and
don't spend all your money in one place.

- Thank you, sir. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

Great mind.
Did you wish to speak to me, Darcy?
Who, me? Oh, no, sir.
I was just watching them go out.

Well, it's been quite an exciting day,
hasn't it?

Yeah, and it ain't even over yet.
I said, "You can stay here
till Hoboken freezes over."

- I should have fired all of them.
- I was mortified.

The biggest moment in commercial annals
muffed by a gang of horse whistlers

who wouldn't know a slogan
from a poke in the eye with a stick.

- I thought I'd die of embarrassment.
- I wish they'd died of lockjaw.

What good are these contests, anyway?
They disrupt the entire organisation,
they make you millions of enemies,

and all they prove
is that you're making too much money,
