The Letter

I began to wonder
if he'd been drinking before.

"I wouldn't have another one
if I were you," I said.

I was quite friendly,
not the least bit frightened.

Never occurred to me
I couldn't manage him.

But he emptied his glass
and said to me in a funny, abrupt way:

"Do you think I'm saying this
because I'm drunk?"

I said, "That's the most obvious
explanation, isn't it?"

Oh, it's too awful having to tell you all this.
I'm so ashamed.

I wish there were some way
we could spare you.

Leslie, it's for your own good
that we know the facts.

All you can remember of them.
Very well, I'll tell you the rest.
I got up from that chair there.
And I stood in front of the table here.
He rose and came around the table
and stood in front of me.

I held out my hand.
"Good night," I said.
But he didn't move.
He just stood there looking at me,
and his eyes were all funny.

"I'm not going," he said.
Then I began to lose my temper.
"Poor fool, don't you know
I've never loved anyone but Robert?

And even if I didn't love him,
you'd be the last man I should care for."

"Robert's away," he said.
Well, that was the last straw.
I wasn't in the least bit frightened,
just angry.

"If you don't leave immediately," I said...
" ...I shall call the boys
and have you thrown out."

I walked past him toward the veranda
to call the boys.

He took hold of my arm
and swung me back.

I tried to scream, but he flung his arms
about me and kissed me.

I struggled to tear myself away from him.
He seemed like a madman. He kept talking
and talking and saying he loved me and--

It's horrible. Can't go on.
I'm sorry, Leslie,
but we'll have to know the rest.
