The Letter

But he didn't move.
He just stood there looking at me,
and his eyes were all funny.

"I'm not going," he said.
Then I began to lose my temper.
"Poor fool, don't you know
I've never loved anyone but Robert?

And even if I didn't love him,
you'd be the last man I should care for."

"Robert's away," he said.
Well, that was the last straw.
I wasn't in the least bit frightened,
just angry.

"If you don't leave immediately," I said...
" ...I shall call the boys
and have you thrown out."

I walked past him toward the veranda
to call the boys.

He took hold of my arm
and swung me back.

I tried to scream, but he flung his arms
about me and kissed me.

I struggled to tear myself away from him.
He seemed like a madman. He kept talking
and talking and saying he loved me and--

It's horrible. Can't go on.
I'm sorry, Leslie,
but we'll have to know the rest.

He lifted me in his arms
and started carrying me.

Somehow he stumbled on those steps.
We fell, and I got away from him.
Suddenly I remembered Robert's revolver
in the drawer of that chest.

He got up and ran after me,
but I reached it before he could catch me.

I seized the gun as he came toward me.
I heard a report and saw him lurch
toward the door.

It was all instinctive.
I didn't even know I'd fired.

Then I followed him out to the veranda.
He staggered across the porch,
grabbed the railing...

...but it slipped through his hand,
and he fell down.

Don't remember anything more,
just the reports, one after another...

...till there was a funny little click,
and the revolver was empty.

It was only then I knew what I'd done.
My poor darling.
-Mrs. Crosbie--
-How did the revolver happen to be there?
