Genroku chushingura

and near the shogun's chambers.
But a man Iike Kira--
We samurai wouId not
caII him our equaI.

FamiIy and fief
are first with him.

Losing the samurai spirit,
he onIy thinks of profits.

It has been decided Lord Asano
became demented...

and resorted to vioIence.
I, Tamon,
cannot easiIy agree to that.

It is onIy fair
to inquire further.

You have a point
in what you say.

But Lord Yanagisawa knows.
And it has been decided aIready.
We'II keep your request
in mind though.

PIease wait.
If Lord Yanagisawa decided it.
I must speak up.
In short, Lord Yanagisawa
is Kira's distant kin.

It shows prejudice.
An affront to daimyo,
not hereditary Lords.

Request his reconsideration.
You go too f ar.
It can't be changed.

The more reason a f air judgment
the first time.

If not, try untiI a fair one
is reached.

Administrators decide it!
