
You know what this is?
Something that even you
have never seen.

Letters of transit
signed by General de Gaulle.

Cannot be rescinded.
Not even questioned.

One moment.
Tonight, I'll be selling those for
more money than even I ever dreamed of.

And then, addio, Casablanca.
I have many a friend in Casablanca,
but just because you despise me. . .

. . .you are the only one I trust.
Will you keep these for me?
-For how long?
-An hour. Perhaps a little longer.

I don't want them overnight.
Don't be afraid of that.
Please keep them for me.

Thank you.
I knew I could trust you.

I'll be expecting some people.

If anybody asks for me,
I'll be right here.

Rick. . .
. . .I hope you're more
impressed with me now.

I'll share my good luck
with your roulette wheel.

Just a moment.
I heard a rumor those German couriers
were carrying letters of transit.

I've heard that rumor too.
-Poor devils.
-You're right, Ugarte.

I am a little more impressed with you.
-Say, who 's got trouble?
-We got trouble

-How much trouble?
-Too much trouble

Well now, don 't you frown
Just knuckle down and knock on wood

-Who 's unhappy?
-We're unhappy

-How unhappy?
-Too unhappy

That won 't do
When you are blue, just knock on wood

-How unlucky?
-Too unlucky

But your luck'll change
lf you'll arrange to knock on wood

-Who 's got nothing?
-We got nothing
