
They say they expect
to be in Paris tomorrow.

They're telling us how to act
when they come marching in.

With the world crumbling,
we pick this time to fall in love.

Yeah, it's pretty bad timing.
Where were you 1 0 years ago?
Ten years ago?
Let's see. . . .
Yes, I was having a brace
put on my teeth. Where were you?

Looking for a job.
Was that cannon fire?
Or my heart pounding?
It's the German 77th, and judging
by the sound, only about 35 miles away.

And getting closer every minute.
Here, here, drink up.
We'll never finish the other three.

Germans will be here pretty soon
and they'll come looking for you.

There's a price on your head.
I left a note in my apartment.
They'll know where to find me.

It's strange.
I know so very little about you.
I know little about you.
Except that you had
your teeth straightened.

Be serious. You're in danger.
You must leave Paris.

No, we must leave.
Yes, of course. We.
The train for Marseilles leaves at 5.
I'll pick you up at your hotel at 4:30.

Not at my hotel. I. . . .
I have things to do in the city
before I leave.

I'll meet you at the station.
All right, at a quarter to 5.
Why don't we marry
in Marseilles?

That's too far ahead to plan.
I guess it is a little too far ahead.
What about the engineer?
Why can't he marry us on the train?

Why not? The captain on a ship can.
It doesn't seem fair that--

What's wrong, kid?
