Jungle Book

Now, now, please go
to sleep, man cub.

Yes, man cub.
Please go to sleep.

Please go to sleep
Sleep, little man cub
Rest in peace
Sleep. Sleep.
Ba-- Ba-Bagh-gheera.
Oh, now-- Now look, there's
no use arguing any more.

Oh! Now no more talk
till morning.

He won't be here
in the morning.

Hmm? Oh, yes, he will.
I-- Kaa!

Hold it, Kaa!
Oh! My sinus.
You have just made
a serious mistake, my friend.

A very stupid...
- Now, now, now, now, Kaa, I was--
- mistake.

Look me in the eye when
I'm speaking to you.

- Oh, please, Kaa.
- Both eyes, if you please.

You have just
sealed your doom.

Look, Bagheera!
Look, Bagheera.

Wake up, Bagheera.
Just you wait till
I get you in my coils.

Bagheera, he's got
a knot in his tail!

"He's got a knot
in his tail."

Ooh, this is going to
slow down my slither.
