
Alright. I'll go.
I've got to find Fry,
or Ken won't be the last one to die.

(Doorbell Buzzes)
(Neighbour) l saw him go in there.
# (Whistling: "Fifth Symphony"
By Beethoven)

- What?
- That tune you're whistling.

# (Imitating Tune)
Oh, I didn't even know I was whistling.
That's a sign you must be pretty happy.
Easy to see
there's nothing on your mind.

Oops. That must have been Junior.
- Junior?
- Yeah, that rock.

I know every one from
Los Angeles to Reno.

Tough job, driving a truck.
Got any other hot news tonight?
I never realised
how tough it was before.

The tough part, you can take that.
It's the monotony that gets ya.

l've been thinking l'm gonna
get out of this trucking game.

Why don't you?
One of the neighbours told my wife
it's stylish to eat three meals a day.

- You married?
- Nope.

Go ahead and whistle. (Rattling Sound)
- That thing bother you?
- What is it?

Here. Stick this wad
of paper in there, will ya?

lt's a pretty good thing to have around,
one of these extinguishers.

l wouldn't be without one.
Now, take the other day.
A big truck
turns over right down here.

The gasoline catches,
and she goes up like a matchbox.

A friend of the
driver's gets caught in it.

If the driver hadn't had an extinguisher,
his pal would have been fried alive.

l didn't see it happen.
l never see anything happen.

I don't even hear about anything,
except what my wife tells me
she sees in the movie pictures.

That's the way she spends the money:
Movie pictures and new hats.
