
Buys a hat so she can go
to the picture show.

No, sir. I haven't got
anything to whistle about.

Where are you from, bud?
Uh... Los Angeles.
Tough. You work down there?
- Yeah. Well, I did.
- What doing?

I was working in an aeroplane factory.
I was wondering why
you weren't in the army.

They're particular
about the fellows they hire.

That's no more than right. They gotta
be careful they don't get blown up.

l understand if a fellow's
got a police record - no job.

- ls that right?
- Oh, I don't know.

Hey, buddy.
Hold the wheel a while, will you?

I'm a nicotine addict.
Hey, watch it, bud!
Stay on this side of the white line.

Where do you wanna get off
when we get to Springville?

It doesn't matter.
Drop me in the middle of town.

The minute you get to Springville,
you're in the middle of the town.

The next minute, the place is a memory.
Whole town isn't a city block long.
You going to one of those big ranches?
- Yeah.
- I'd be glad to drop you off.

That's it! Deep Springs Ranch.
Hey! Say, that's a whale of a big place.
Got a chance of a job there?
Yeah. I think so.
You ought to like it. Nice climate.
The police!
Maybe something's happened!

- I'd like to talk with you out here.
- Yeah, sure.
