Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror

It was not an accident.
Good heavens.
Holmes, that
sinister-looking fellow,

what's his name, Meade,
if only he
hadn't got away.

Yes, difficult as it was
I managed to
let him escape.

You let him escape?
But great scott man,
he was about to kill us.
He may even yet.
I don't understand
you, Holmes.

It's my theory that
this chap Meade

is the arch-criminal
and he's behind
the whole thing.

You're absolutely
right, Watson,

except for one thing.
Well then I'm wrong.
Have you observed
that a highly
secret military plan

is thwarted by each
of these disasters?

Yes, I have now
that you mention it.

Watson, there's a leak.
A leak?
You mean in the Council?
But Holmes, that's

Anything is possible
until proved otherwise.

Lets see, who's
in the Council.

Lawford and Shaw, they're
above suspicion,

their record proves that.
Anyhow, they
were attacked.

There's Prentiss.
Would he kill his own son?
Doesn't seem likely and
yet the boy is dead.

Barham, of course,
brought you into the case.

So, it's quite obvious
that he wants it solved.

Most patriotic
of Sir Barham.

He's a great fellow.
I had went three
quarters of the school

my last term so I
can vouch for him.

Besides he was
attacked too, shot at.

So I gather.
How about Lloyd?
Can't be him.
Meade was gonna kill
him as well as us.

By the way, he's a
brave fellow, Lloyd.

Did you notice that he
didn't turn a hair?

Very composed.
Come in.
Mr. Holmes.
Yes, Kitty?
I think now we'll be able
to get some information

from Mr. Meade.
Your plan worked
like a charm.

I knew you could do it.
Oh, it's not so hard once
your mind is make up,

and mine is.
You be careful.
She better be, she's
mixed up with that fellow.

I'll be careful all right.
I'm going through
with this.

Good girl.
I heard him talking
on the phone today.

He said, "I'll
take care of that

little Seven Oaks matter
at 11:00 tonight."

Seven Oaks, isn't
that where...

Barham has a
country place.

Watson, there's not
a moment to lose.
