You Were Never Lovelier

He went inside.
On second thought,
I guess old el groucho can wait.

Don't these overdone weddings
bore you to death? They kill me.

I say if two people want
to get married, let them.

They don't have to go through
a shindig like this. It's murder.

Oh, well, I'll admit my attempt
at conversation wasn't so hot.

Shall I try again?
It's a nice day, isn't it?
The air's nice.
And there seems to be
an abundance of it.

Say, look, would you mind very much
if I tear myself away from you?

But you don't understand.
Now, let's hear no more about Maria.
Run along, girls.

May I see you a moment, please?
It's very important to both of us.

I'm Robert Davis.
I came here to dance and...

Now, what is there about that girl
that made you go...?

She's beautiful.
She's beautiful, all right.
But she has a personality
like the inside of a refrigerator.

In addition to which,
she is my daughter.

She is? She is?!
She is. Now, what was it
you wanted of me?

Just your permission to go out
and hang myself.
