Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man

Only it wasn't a real wolf.
It was a man.

A werewolf.
I killed him.

Now I change into a wolf
at night when the moon is full.

Is the truth.
Ask Maleva. The old
Gypsy woman. She knows.

Maleva? Gypsy?

Mr. Talbot. You must
get back into bed.

Oh. Are you blind?
Won't you believe me?
Help me.

Just tell us your real name.
Let us do the worrying.

I told you.
Lawrence Talbot.

Lawrence Talbot!
Why can't you understand?

Lawrence Talbot died
four years ago.

Four years?
Well. I did...
I can't die.

Mr. Talbot.
if you want us to help you.
you must do as we say.

Now. Please
lie down.
You think I'm insane.

You think I don't know
what I'm talking about.

Well. You just look inside that
grave where Lawrence Talbot
is supposed to be buried.

and see if you find
a body in it.

Please get back
into bed.
Get on with it.

You're treating me like
a lunatic. Well. You're as
stupid as all the rest.

Come along. Inspector.
[Struggling Sounds

You mean to say that Talbot
actually experienced
that murder last night?

I'm afraid so.
People with brain injuries
sometimes develop
supernormal mental powers...

that are
quite extraordinary.

Certainly he got up
and opened the window.

The borderline between delusion
and reality is very narrow.

Sometimes a patient may
unknowingly overstep that line.
