Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man

How long since you were
here last. Sergeant?

Not for months.
Nobody's died
in Llanwelly lately.

and nobody comes here
if he doesn't have to.

The door...
What about it?
Is broken from inside.

Here. Give me that.
Someone musve taken
the body out of the tomb.

Thas not
Lawrence Talbot.
Not Talbot?

Do you know
who this is here?
Yes. Thas Freddy Jolly.

Who's he?
Been up for vagrancy.

What would you say
he died of. Doctor?

Severed jugular.
This man bled to death.

Same as the constable
in Cardiff.

Looks rather like
the bite of an animal.
Aye. That animal.

We remember it well

And it musve carried away
the corpse of poor Sir Lawrence.

What animal?
didn't you know. Sir?

There was a wild animal
around here a few years ago.

It killed people.
Bit through their throats.
drained their blood.

Did they kill it?
Sir John Talbot
thought he did. Sir.

He attacked it
in the dark one night.
or so he thought.

But it was his son
he killed.
Poor Mr. Larry.

Where is
Sir John Talbot now?

Over there. Sir.
Died of grief
shortly after.

Les get out of here.
But the body. Sir.

Mustn't touch that.
Thas evidence.
Yes. Sir.

Sergeant. If is convenient.
I'd like to see a photograph
of Lawrence Talbot.

There's one up
in my office. Sir.

Here's Mr. Larry's
photograph. Sir.

Take a look
at this face. Doctor.
Isn't that our man in Cardiff?
