I Walked with a Zombie

and a generous heart. Don't forget that.
Don't call that nothing.
Very sad. Very sweet.
The noble husband and the noble nurse
comforting each other...

because the patient still lives.
I've been imagining, too, Paul...
only I didn't have to wonder how I'd feel.
I knew.
I'm not in love with another woman.
I'm sorry, Miss Betsy.
I'll take it right away.

That's all right, Alma.
Is this your sister's baby?

Yes, Miss Betsy. This is little Ti-Victor
and my sister, Melisse.

I'm so glad I came out.
I've been wanting to meet you, Melisse.

More so, miss.
He's a wonderful baby. He's beautiful, yes.
He's chosen you, miss.
That's what we say, Miss Betsy,
when a baby first goes visiting.

Those he smiles at will be his friends.
That makes me very proud.
Here, Ti-Victor.
That's so you won't forget I'm your friend.
Thanks, Miss Betsy.
It's nice to see people so happy.
They're not always happy, Miss Betsy.
I suppose not.
Things so bad nobody can help,
not even Dr. Maxwell.

Doctors and nurses
can do only so much, Alma.

They can't cure everything.
Doctors that are people
can't cure everything.

What do you mean
"doctors that are people"?

There are other doctors.
Yes, other doctors.

Better doctors.
- Where?
- At the houmfort.

That's nonsense, Alma.
They even cure nonsense, Miss Betsy.
Mama Rose was mindless.
I was at the houmfort when the houngan
brought her mind back.

- Was Mama Rose like Mrs. Holland?
- No.
