Madame Curie

Mother likes carrots
and Father likes turnips.

And here's some flowers
for the cook.

Thank you, Pierre.
What's the matter, Marie?
Oh, Pierre. I'm so discouraged.
Looks like this method of mine
is all wrong.

I wonder if I'm trying something
beyond me.

What is it exactly that's wrong?
I don't know.
My measurements.
they don't mean anything.

I know I must be making mistakes
some where...

but I don't know where it is.
I checked them and
I rechecked them two hundred times.

Maybe the electrometer
is not working right.

That's what I'm afraid of.
I wish you'd examine it for me

I'll go over it tomorrow.
Let's forget it tonight.

Let's not talk, not even
think the laboratory

I promise.
Well, Pierre. What is it?
Marie, about those measurements.
Do you think
anything could have happened

to change the capacity
of the electrometer?

Weren't we suppose to forget
the laboratory tonight?

Oh. I forgot. I'm sorry.
No more... I’m terribly sorry.
Here they are.
Where's my coat?
Here we are.
Hello, dear. Pierre.
I smell turnips.
We got carrots for you.
Oh, how sweet of you.
Oh, I brought you
some of my new plum jelly.

Thank you, Mother.
She made it but I brought it.
Ah, thank you, Father.
Let me have your things.
Your coat, Father?
Yeah. You're not
treating her right, Pierre.
