Stormy Weather

And the tom-toms beat
- What's he doing?
- What's he doing?

He's fixin' to tie
the show up in knots.

Look at 'em out there.
They love it.

Bill, you's out
of employment again.

And look at Chick.
He's thinks he's wowing them.

The tom-toms beat
And the tom-toms beat
And the low beating
of the tom-toms

Stirs your
Boy, I've never known
that number to go better.

That's right.
You were terrific.

Come in.
- Well, he fired me.
- Yes, I know.

But I don't care.
You know, I just had to do it, Selina.

Well, I don't blame you, Bill.
If it wasn't for making
trouble for you...

I'd hang a sign on that guy's eye-
"closed for the season."

Well, don't let me stop you.
Does that invitation to a sandwich still go?

It sure does. The lunchroom?
Ah, that sounds like a great place to me.
Come in.
Say, didn't I tell you
to get out of my theater?

And didn't I tell you I'd get out
when I get good and ready?

- Well, you're ready now.
- That's right.

Ready, willing and able.
Come on, Selina.
One never knows, do one?
That's just like Chick.
He ain't changed a bit.
