Stormy Weather

I can't give you
Anything but love
When did you go
to Hollywood, Uncle Bill?

Honey, the first time
I went to Hollywood was 1936.

- Did Miss Selina go with you?
- No, she didn't go.

- How come?
- When two people can't seem the same thing the same way...

life just gets powerful complicated.
You see, honey,
this is the living room...

here's your room,
and this is the nursery.

Oh, that's swell, Bill. That's about
the prettiest little house I ever saw.

- But not for us.
- Why not for us?

You know why not for us. We're show
people, on the road day in and day out.

We don't have time
to live in a house like that.

Sure, that's the way it's been
up until now, honey. But-

Oh, but Bill, we've been
over this a thousand times.

I know, but since I've got that Hollywood
contract, we'll have plenty of money.

- You won't have to go on workin'. You can quit.
- Quit?

Sure. You worked long enough.
It's time that you settled down.

And we have a home and-
But, Bill, I don't wanna quit.
I wouldn't be happy unless
I went on with my work, just like you.

Singing's in my blood.
I'm sorry, Selina. I just thought
maybe you'd see it different now.

Bill, I'm afraid I'll never
see it differently.

I'm sorry too.
