Stormy Weather

Selina, then she went to Paris
and got to be a big star over there.

Didn't Miss Selina ever
come back, Uncle Bill?

Not yet.
- Cab Calloway!
- Hi-de-hi-de-ho

- Ho-de-ho
- Ho-de-ho

Hello, Cab!
Hello, Pops. What's all of this?
You never told me 'bout this jive.

I wish they were mine. The neighbor's
kids, just trying to show 'em a few steps.

Run along, kids. See you later.
- Come over and sit down.
- Bill, I guess you ain't as lonesome out here as I thought.

Yes, it's lonesome all right.
But I hate to give up the place in case Selina
ever change her mind and wanna come back.

- But what are you doin' out here?
- Oh!

Tonight we givin' a big party
at the Downtown Club for the soldiers.

- For the soldiers?
- Sure! A big blow-out before they go overseas.

- Bill, I want you to be there.
- You bet I'll be there. Anything for the soldiers.
