Arsenic and Old Lace

No, dear. Of course not!
Well, so....

Do you remember those jars of poison
on the shelves...

:27:16 Grandfather's laboratory
all these years?

You know your Aunt Martha's knack
for mixing things.

You've eaten enough of her piccalilli.
Well, dear, for a gallon of elderberry wine...
...l take one teaspoonful of arsenic...
...then add half a teaspoonful of strychnine.
And then, just a pinch of cyanide.
Should have quite a kick.
As a matter of fact,
one of our gentlemen found time to say:

"How delicious! "
He did? Well, wasn't that nice of him?
Abby, we mustn't be standing here
gossiping all night.

We must get that cake frosted.
Don't worry about the cake.
I couldn't eat a thing.

You newlyweds! A sip of wine
will give you an appetite.

That'd be nice, darling, a sip of....
A sip of wine!

I'm beginning to think the cat's in on this.
He's wonderful. Happy as a lark.
Singing away, digging locks.

Got him working on a yellow-fever victim.
I can see the headlines now:
"Murder lncorporator Rides Again"
right across the front page.

Let me see....
Teddy! Of course.
Everybody knows he's crazy.

Let me see. Who can I call up?
Dewey, La Guardia, Winchell?

No, Winchell's no good.
Old Judge Cullman!
I wonder if I got his number.
What am I doing with tickets?
