
- Yes, that's it.
- I beg your pardon?

I said, "That's it." That's the Alquist house.
It happened in the drawing room, upstairs.
That window.

I live just across the square.
My name is Thwaites, Miss Thwaites.

- How do you do?
- How do you do?

Perhaps you could tell me,
has the house been occupied long?

About four or five months now.
Come along.

You don't happen to know
who's living in the house, do you?

Yes. A foreign couple. Anton's the name.
Something mysterious there.

- What do you mean, mysterious?
- Never have visitors...

never go out anywhere.
At least, she doesn't.

I think you're wrong.
There aren't as many as usual here today.
Come along, pigeons.

Come along, sparrows. What did you say?
You seem to be wrong
about her not going out.

How very surprising.
It's you, ma'am.
I never knew you'd gone out.

I went for a walk,
but it looks as if it might rain...

- so I thought I should have my umbrella.
- Of course, ma'am.

Suppose the master comes back
and asks where you've gone?

- Tell him I just went for a walk.
- By yourself, ma'am?

- Of course. Why not?
- Suppose the master asks where?
