
Mr Widgren seems
particularly delicate.

- Why is that?
- I don't know. I do my best.

You're lazy, Mr Widgren.
And a bit pathetic.

This is no place for weak boys.
We're heading for exams.

Haven't you understood that, Widgren?
No. One day you'll understand,
but it'll be too late then.
Do you know what I think?
I think you'll get poor grades
in Latin.

Very poor.
I also think that you're too frail
for the exam.

It would be a baptism of fire.
Not for you in your state.

Not at all...
Please begin, Petterson.
Can you imagine,
a rascal in the third form

put this on the floor in front of me
during class.

It hopped straight up to me,
chirping all the while.

What's so funny about that?
What's this noise?
Someone is making a noise.
It was me, sir. Sorry.
You see, I know you call me "Birdie".
It's a nice name. I know teachers
who are known by much worse.

Close that Greek textbook, Sandman.
