Since You Went Away

There. Are you satisfied?
I think I'll go
to my room, Mother.

I thought we were going to try
those new hairdos from Vogue.

Would you mind if we didn't?
There's a pamphlet I want
to study on third-degree burns.

All right, darling.
We can try them, Brig.
I think it's time something was
done about your hair anyway.

If you want to, Mother,
provided you'll let me...

Don't start making
deals with me.

How old do you think
I could look if my hair was up?

Well, let's see.
I should say
just about the same age.

But nicer, maybe. Why?
Mother, it's just terrible...
my not doing anything
about the war at all.

You've rolled bandages,
you've collected salvage,

and you've sold more war stamps
than any girl in your class...

not that that's
any surprise to me.

- But that's all kid stuff.
- It's no such thing.

I know it's important, but...
Mother, I miss Pop
something awful!

I know, honey.
So do I.
- Thanks, toots.
- Ice cream?
