Les Dames du Bois de Boulogne

Yes, ma'am, it's me.
What are you doing here?

Come with me.
You deserve a good scolding.
Not a word from you in three years.
I thought we no longer
existed for you.

I might say the same of you.
It's Agnès' fame that led me to you.
Otherwise I'd never have found you.
- You know about our troubles?
- I suspected.

Financial ruin upon arriving in Paris.
This enormous apartment,
and me clinging like a fool
to my dwindling furniture.

My dressers, consoles,
cupboards, chandeliers -

everything I'd brought
from the country.

May God keep you
from poverty, Hélène.

And Agnès?
An angel!
She's resigned to it.
Her life was dancing,
but this was not her dream.

She wanted to live for dancing,
not dance to earn us a living.

In the blink of an eye she gave up
on all her true talents -

the opera, fame...
She's a success.
Leave me alone!
Enough! This is my home!
Agnès! My little girl!
I'm no little girl. I'm a whore.
Leave me in peace!
My God, my God!
I'm so distraught.
I heard nothing.
I see and hear only what I wish to.

And I was so happy to see you again!
