
He was being pursued by a
winged figure, a witch or...

No, the figure was you. If you grew
wings, you'd be an angel.

The dream is trying to tell him
the name of the resort.

Angel, Angel Valley...
Do you remember Angel Valley?
We can call a travel agency and check
all the resort names.

It wasn't Angel Valley,
I remember it.

- It was a place called Gabriel Valley.
- What else do you remember?

Who was the masked figure
in your dream?

It was an accident, a skiing
accident, remember?

- Dr. Edwardes went over...
- It was no accident.

I can't stand this anymore.
I've had enough.

We've got to call the police.
No, we have to go to Gabriel Valley,
you have to go with me.

- This is for Cooley when he comes in.
- I'll tell him.

At 4.45? Thank you, goodbye.
There's a train leaving in an hour,
we can connect for Gabriel Valley.

I know what I have to do,
I can't go on endangering you...

I know about last night.
- Nothing happened.
- But it will, I've got to end it.

I love you, but I'm not worth loving.
You can help me afterward.

There's no help afterward...
If you give yourself up in your
condition, there is no afterward.

- I can cure you.
- But you can't undo a murder.

- There is none to undo.
- I killed him.

- Oh, stop.
- And now you, last night I...

- Don't try to stop me, I have to go.
- Guilt...

you've lived with it a long time,
haven't you?

- Yes.
- Since childhood.

- What?
- Ever since your childhood...

you've tried to run away
from something.

You always felt guilt for everything.
What was it in your youth?

It must be terrible if you'd
rather think you murdered him...

- Than remember what happened.
- Enough.
