
My dear girl, you can't keep bumping
your head against reality...

and saying it is not there.
The evidence was definite.
We can't remove it by wishing
or crying.

He trusted me. I led him into a trap.
I convicted him...

Is that real enough for you?
There is no one to blame...
The case was a little deeper than
you figured, this often happens.

You must realise one thing:
it is over, for both of you.

It's not over.
- You will have other cases.
- It's not over, it never will be.

Don't ask me to stop,
I can't.

I'm sorry...
Thanks for straightening things out
with Dr. Mercheson and everyone.

It is very sad, to love
and lose somebody...

but in a while you will forget...
and take up the threads of your life
where you left off, not long ago...

and you will work hard, there's lots
of happiness in working hard...

Maybe the most.
I will write to you.
Alex, you're very good.
I'm sorry to hurry you Dr. Brulov,
but your car is waiting...
