
Was there any more of the dream?
Yes. The patient dreamt he and
Edwardes were on a sloping roof...

he saw Edwardes plunge
over the edge to his death.

He also saw the angry proprietor
hiding behind a chimney laughing...

holding a small wheel,
he dropped the wheel.

The symbolism of the wheel
escapes me.

It was a revolver.
The proprietor who threatened
Edwardes life in the 21 Club...

dropped a revolver in the snow,
after shooting him in the back.

The weapon is still there
at the foot of a tree...

with the murderer's
fingerprints on it.

I can't agree with this part
of your interpretation...

for the good reason that
the weapon is now in my hand.

I imagined something
like this might happen...

when I made the slip
about knowing Edwardes.

That started your agile
young mind going.

You were having a breakdown...
In a state of panic you heard that
Edwardes was to take your place.

So you sought him out
in the restaurant...

where he was lunching
with John Balentine.

You accused him of stealing your job.
You threatened to kill him.

He calmed you down and told
you he was going skiing.

You followed him there,
and shot him from behind a tree.

That's enough.
Your story is ridiculous.

You'll make a fool of yourself...
a love smitten analyst,
playing dream detective.

There'll be no dreams
for the police.

They'll find out from the waiters
in the 21 Club that you were there...

You'll be identified as the man who
had a row with Dr. Edwardes...

There'll be people who saw you
on the train to Gabriel Valley.

There'll be no dreams necessary
for this case.

I see...
you're an excellent analyst,
but a rather stupid woman.
