The Yearling

I guess near about everything
would like to fly.

Birds fly. Birds and angels.
Do you know what the end
of the world's like?

It's empty and dark
and only clouds to ride on.

But the clouds is sunny and soft.
You just float on them
and go nowheres.

And all the animals
has little bright clouds to ride on.

Racket'll have a little one,
just alongside of mine.

And do you know what?
Sometimes, as you're drifting along...

:41:39 drift right inside
another cloud.

You'll be on that one,
and we'll lie there and talk.

Just like we're talking now.
And you know what, Jody?

The clouds are really
just the backs of angels...

...who are flying around up there
looking after things.

They'll look after you too, Jody,
until you're ready to fly.

How do you know that?
I just know.
Could be.
Could be.
Pa! Pa! Pa!
I can see him, Pa. I can see him.

An old Spaniard riding along.
Fodderwing said I could spy him here.

That's nice.
- What'd he say he seen?
- A Spaniard.

What Spaniard?
I don't know.
There, now. I was scared this
wouldn't stand another washing.

- What else you got that's cool to wear?
- Nothing, excusing my wedding dress.

- That black alpaca's nice.
- That went to pieces three years ago.

It went to pure rags,
doing work just like this.
