Black Narcissus

Our dispensary
is more crowded than ever.

This big house to look after
and all the unpacking still to be done.

And the plumbing's
broken down again.

What do you think, Sister ?
Perhaps Mr. Dean--

Certainly not.
We can manage without Mr. Dean.

Yes, of course.
- Are you all right, Sister ?
- Of course I'm all right.

- Show me your arm.
- I'm perfectly all right.

- So you've got them too.
- What have I got ?

Spots. I've got them.
Every one of us has got them.

There must be something
in the water here that's very unhealthy.

- The natives drink it.
- They get sick themselves.

I ask as the general's heir,
the young general.

He's very ill.
[ Drums Cont/nue ]
Those drums
are beating for him.

The beat all night
while he's ill.

If you hear them stop,
he's dead.

[ Drums Stop ]
[ Chatter/ng ]
