Black Narcissus

The beat all night
while he's ill.

If you hear them stop,
he's dead.

[ Drums Stop ]
[ Chatter/ng ]
You !
How do you do ?
What are you doing here ?
Skew's all fîlthy.
I have to have it taken off.

I've come to mend
a loose joint in your pipe.

- You must send a plumber.
- The nearest one's Darjeeling.

- I count plumbing among my other gifts.
- That's not the point--

I swear to you, Sister,
it's only the pipe I'm interested in.

- I must see Sister Clodagh about this.
- All right.

I forbid you to stay in there.
All right.
We have to build a workroom
and a school and, later on, a chapel.

Somebody's got to put locks on my
cupboards. I daren't unpack a thing.

And the windows don't open and the door
won't shut and the plumbing won't work.

- Come /n, Mr. Dean.
- May I go now, Sister ?
