Black Narcissus

[ Bell Clanging ]
Hail Mary, full of grace,
blessed is the fruit--

[ Bell Cont/nues ]
Did you hear the bell ?
This morning in chapel, I suddenly
had the feeling you were not with us.

- I try hard enough.
- Try what ?

I used to forget
everything in chapel.

I used to feel light
and happy and near God.

Let me help you.
What is worrying you ?

I remember th/ngs
before I jo/ned our order.

Th/ngs I wanted to forget.
I never thought of them
until now.

I've been 2 1 years in the order,
and now they come back to me.
I think you can see too far.
I look out there, and then
I can't see the potato I'm planting.

And after a b/t, /t doesn't seem
to matter whether I plant /t or not.

It's this place with its strange
atmosphere and new people.

Stay with me tonight after chapel,
and we will pray together.
