Black Narcissus

This morning in chapel, I suddenly
had the feeling you were not with us.

- I try hard enough.
- Try what ?

I used to forget
everything in chapel.

I used to feel light
and happy and near God.

Let me help you.
What is worrying you ?

I remember th/ngs
before I jo/ned our order.

Th/ngs I wanted to forget.
I never thought of them
until now.

I've been 2 1 years in the order,
and now they come back to me.
I think you can see too far.
I look out there, and then
I can't see the potato I'm planting.

And after a b/t, /t doesn't seem
to matter whether I plant /t or not.

It's this place with its strange
atmosphere and new people.

Stay with me tonight after chapel,
and we will pray together.

And work, Sister.
Work hard.

Work until you're too tired
to think of anything else.

[ Woman's Vo/ce ]
Oh, /sn't /t a grand day ?

Isn't it a grand day ?
