A Foreign Affair

First it was Hitler screaming on the radio,
then the war of nerves,

then the victory celebrations,
then the bombing.
All the furniture burnt.
That one I hate worst.
Give me that mattress, Johnny.

No mattress will help you sleep.
What you Germans need
is a better conscience.

I have a good conscience.
I have a new Führer now... you.
Heil, Johnny.
You heil me once more
and I'll knock your teeth in.

You'll bruise your lips.
Why don't I choke you a little?
Break you in two?

Build a fire under you, you blonde witch.
Who's that?
With my luck, it's Eisenhower.
- Yes.
- Your name Schlütow?

- I beg your pardon.
- Is your name Erika Schlütow?

- No.
- You live here, don't you?

Yes, I live here.
You the dame that sings
at the Lorelei nightclub?

- Yes, I sing there.
- And your name's not Erika Schlütow?

My name is Erika von Schlütow.
- A von?
- She's a von.

Nobility. We beg your highness's pardon.
- What do you want?
- A little information.

It says here that a certain Erika Schlütow...
von Schlütow, pardon I...

has been an active von Nazi
ever since 19- von - 35.

Go on, gentlemen.
It says that Miss von Schlütow
was ordered over a month ago

to a von labour camp
to pick up some von bricks.

- What else does it say?
- You're working at a night joint.

According to this report,
what you're moving there ain't bricks.

I'm an artist, gentlemen, not a street
cleaner, and I've been completely cleared.

Yeah? Tell us all about it.
My case has been reviewed
and the decision reversed.

I'm on the white list now.
With that record? If you make the white list,
we'll make the hit parade.
