A Foreign Affair

Yes, I live here.
You the dame that sings
at the Lorelei nightclub?

- Yes, I sing there.
- And your name's not Erika Schlütow?

My name is Erika von Schlütow.
- A von?
- She's a von.

Nobility. We beg your highness's pardon.
- What do you want?
- A little information.

It says here that a certain Erika Schlütow...
von Schlütow, pardon I...

has been an active von Nazi
ever since 19- von - 35.

Go on, gentlemen.
It says that Miss von Schlütow
was ordered over a month ago

to a von labour camp
to pick up some von bricks.

- What else does it say?
- You're working at a night joint.

According to this report,
what you're moving there ain't bricks.

I'm an artist, gentlemen, not a street
cleaner, and I've been completely cleared.

Yeah? Tell us all about it.
My case has been reviewed
and the decision reversed.

I'm on the white list now.
With that record? If you make the white list,
we'll make the hit parade.

- OK, von sister, get your things on.
- What for?

We're taking you to
the von denazification office.

Now, Abbot and Costello,
show me your orders.

- Yes, sir.
- Who gave you these?

- Lieutenant Clark, sir.
- Four weeks old.

We've had a lot of people to check.
Paperwork, that's why we're always
fouled up when a war starts.

Takes us six months to clear up
the paperwork from the last one.

I'll talk to Clark.
This case is straightened out.

- Sorry, sir.
- OK. That's all. Take off.

- May I have that, please?
- Sorry.

Take an ordinary guy, make him an MP,
suddenly he gets to be eight feet tall.

- If they look into the files for my papers.
- Stop worrying. They're OK.

- Goodbye. I got a desk full of work.
- Did the Colonel sign my papers?

Not exactly. He was out of the office
having his tonsils swabbed.
